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Mr. Sanjay Sharma has been an academician for the last 21 years. Previously he has worked as Assistant Project Officer in the Community Polytechnic Scheme of the Ministry of Education, Govt. of India & later on as Project Officer in Community Development through Polytechnics Scheme of the same. He has actively coordinated the Syllabus revision exercises of Diploma in Fashion design, Garment fabrication technology and Textile Design. He has also been working as Purchase Coordinator and is an active member of various administrative, library and admission related duties. He has also been an Internal Examiner, Invigilator, Assistant Superintendent in the BTE Exam.
Mr. Sharma holds a rich experience working in the industry. He worked as Erection and Commissioning engineer at Pasupati Acrylon Ltd, Marketing and Customer Technical Services engineer at Esslon Synthetic and as a Senior Textile Engineer at Development Alternatives and looked after the Handlooms production, Handlooms upgradation, training programmes of weavers at M.P, Rajasthan, Uttaranchal, project proposals for funding from various state and national bodies and scientific institutions. He has also developed low cost silk spinning machines and looked after trouble shootings in handlooms in weaving/dyeing/set up of skill upgradation centres.
Sharma, S., Jena, B.B. & Chandra, R. (2021). Revival and repositioning of handloom sector of Himachal Pradesh. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 25(5),1636–1646.
Sharma, S. , Jena, B.B. & Chandra, R. (2021). Socio economic conditions of handloom weavers – A study of Himachal Pradesh. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education, 12(10), 4023-4038.
Sharma, S. , Jena, B.B. & Chandra, R. (2021). Issues and prospects of handloom sector of Himachal Pradesh. Elementary Education Online, 20(1),2863-2878.DOI: 10.17051/ilkonline.2021.01.319
Sharma, S. , Jena, B.B. & Chandra, R. (2021). Socio economic study and prospects of handloom sector of Himachal Pradesh. International Journal of Business and Management Invention (IJBMI), 10(2), 55-69. DOI: 10.35629/8028-1002035569
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